Tell Congress: #RejectTheSpeech, by War Criminal Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of genocidal Israel, will give a joint address to Congress in DC on July 24, 2024.

Since October, Netanyahu has ordered the mass murder of at least 45,000 Palestinian people, including 15,000+ children with another 21,000+ children missing. He is a war criminal, and the International Criminal Court has requested a warrant for his arrest.

Instead of holding Israel accountable, Congress leadership Mike Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell plan to welcome Netanyahu with open arms.

Every member of Congress should reject this speech, now and also during the speech on July 24, through a sit-in, walk-out, disruption, or other form of protest to make their opposition widely known.

Over eight months into this genocide, silence from our elected officials is more than just complicity. Blood is on their hands.

Demand your members of Congress speak up now to reject Netanyahu's invitation and protest his speech on July 24.


Demand Biden and Congress Acknowledge the ICC’s Authority and Put a Stop to the Genocide in Gaza